The second race of the series featuring a 1.2 mile course that takes you around the perimeter of Waimea Bay.
Date: June 22, 2024
Check-in: 7:00 am
Race Starts: 9 am
The Cholo’s Waimea Bay Swim is the 2nd race of the Surf n Sea North Shore Swim Series and features a 1.2 mile course that takes you around the perimeter of Waimea Bay. Waimea Bay at this time of year is crystal clear with plenty of tropical fish, Hawaiian green sea turtles and Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
Event details and schedule
Check in for the Cholo’s Waimea Bay Swim and begins at 7:00am. Parking is available for a donation to their Keiki program at St. Peter & Paul Church on the Sunset Beach Side of Waimea Bay. Waimea Park has very limited parking for a fee of $20. There is no packet pickup, only race day check in and late sign up. Day of race entry is available (cash or check) but no guarantee of a t-shirt. There is no transfer of entries to another person with out permission of race committee officials.
EQUIPMENT: Goggles, face-masks & snorkels are permitted. Wetsuits prohibited. Swim suits for men may be briefs or jammers hip to knee. Women’s suits may be one or two-piece shoulder to hip. No fins, hand paddles, or other equipment permitted! 1 piece full lycra suits for UV protection are OK as long as they do not provide floatation.
AWARDS & DIVISIONS: Top 3 finishers in the following divisions (Male & Female): Elite, 10 & under, 11-12, 13-14 15-19, standard 5 year age groups thereafter (10-24, 25-29, etc.). Overall Series Award for participants who swim in all 5 swims.
SAFETY: Caps are mandatory! Swim caps are provided to registered swimmers at their first NSSS swim of the summer.
NOTE: Swimmers only receive one cap during the 5 the series. You may use you own swim cap; bright caps are highly encouraged; bright colors are highly encouraged. THIS IS A SAFETY ISSUE: PLEASE DO YOUR PART!
TIME LIMITS: There is a 1.5 hour time limit for this race. Water Patrol has the option to pull you from the swim if they feel you are not making sufficient progress or you are becoming a danger to yourself or others.
PARKING: Parking is available at Waimea Bay (limited), St Peter & Paul Church (donation) & Waimea Valley ‘Beach Parking Lot’ only ($20 Fee) Please try to car pool from Honolulu!
DIRECTIONS: Getting to Waimea Bay is easy!
-Take H1 Freeway, Westbound -Stay on the HI Freeway for approximately six miles
-Look for signs for the H2 Freeway, Northbound (North Shore/Wahiawa) Merge right onto the H2 Freeway
-Continue on the H2 Freeway North to Wahiawa. Exit at Wahiawa (Exit 8) on to 80 (Kamehameha Hwy) through Wahiawa-Continue Northbound, 80 connects with 99 -Stay on 99 to Haleiwa -The road now bypasses Haleiwa and becomes route 83.
-Waimea Bay is approximately 3.8 miles from Haleiwa